Singleton Heights Public School

Respect, Responsibility & Excellence

Telephone02 6573 1363


Our P&C Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m, in the school staffroom.. The Parents & Citizens Association is a most important component of the functioning of the school. It provides an avenue whereby parents advise and assist the school in matters such as:

  • major and minor resources

  • developmental priorities

  • student welfare and discipline

  • assessment and reporting

  • safety matters

  • school policies

  • uniforms

  • fundraising

  • canteen management

 Our current P&C Executive are

President - Laura Lomax

Vice Presidents - Karlee Egas and Anita Phillips 

Secretary - Diana Dennis

Treasurer - Kathy O'Brien

Our P&C meetings are attended by the  Principal - Shaun  Graham and Community Liasion Officer - Alison Dagg, with other staff attending on various occasions as required.

Parents are warmly encouraged to participate. The P & C forum provides a very real opportunity for parents to have their say.