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Singleton Heights Public School

Singleton Heights Public School

Respect, Responsibility & Excellence

Telephone02 6573 1363

Defence School Mentor

Singleton Heights Public School is currently the only primary school in Singleton with the services of a Defence School Mentor(DSM).

We are situated approximately 20kms from Lone Pine Barracks. The majority of Defence Housing is situated in Singleton Heights and Hunterview. We currently have over 25 students whose parents are employed in the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

Our Defence School Mentor is Mrs Laura Lomax. Laura can be contacted through the school office on 02 6573 1363, to assist with any enquiries.

Our DSM's role includes:

  • Assisting new families with enrolment and providing information
  • Welcoming new Defence families to our school
  • Providing support to children when a parent is deployed or absent for service reasons
  • Monitoring the social, emotional and academic wellbeing of Defence students
  • Assists with a variety of lunchtime activities for students
  • Helping students develop resilience, self-confidence and self-reliance
  • Referring students to services, or school and community programs that meet their needs
  • Hosting morning teas throughout the year to encourage friendships
  • Providing a link between Defence families, school and Defence services
  • Helping families with EAS applications

Students may be entitled to up to 14 weeks tutoring within the first 18 months of enrolment at a new school in a new posting location. For more information, visit the Defence Members and Families Support website at