Singleton Heights Public School

Respect, Responsibility & Excellence

Telephone02 6573 1363



Our chool Canteen provides a variety of healthy food options for our students.


Our school canteen is operated by the P&C and raises money for our school. The canteen provides a wide range of nutritious lunches at a reasonable price and is run by our P&C.

The P&C have employed two  canteen supervisors -  Mrs Tamie Wrightson and Mrs Skye Malone, as wellas a casual Mrs Jess Edwards. The canteen is run with the help of wonderful volunteers.

Children can order their lunch before the morning bell using paper bags available at the canteen or brought from home. The student's name class and order should be written on the outside of the bag. The correct money should be placed inside the bag (if possible) and dropped in the box outside the canteen prior to opening. Once open they may order over the counter with our friendly staff.

For your convenience our canteen also offers an online ordering system through the Flexishools App.

Items can be also purchased over the counter at both Break 1 and Break 2

Breakfast Club is also offered to students on Monday – Friday mornings from 8:40am till 9:05am everyone is welcome. This program is supported by the Singleton Baptist Church.

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