Singleton Heights Public School

Respect, Responsibility & Excellence

Telephone02 6573 1363


ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) is an independent, skills-based assessment program which recognises and rewards student achievement. ICAS is a 21st century quality assessment that has been used for over 30 years. The tests are available for Years 3-6 with a couple of assessments having introduction papers for Year 2.

These assessments cover the following topics and occur each year in the following months:


Digital Technologies - May

Science - May

Writing - June

Spelling - June

English - August

Maths - August


Over one million student entries are accepted from over 6,300 schools in Australia and New Zealand annually. In addition, students from over 20 countries including Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the USA participate in ICAS each year.


For each year level in each state or country

High Distinction

the top 1% of participants


the next 10% of participants


the next 25% of participants


the next 10% of participants


for all remaining participants

Principal's Award

Principals may wish to award this certificate to students who have made progress that may not have been recognised otherwise. The awarding of Certificates is entirely at the discretion of schools.

A new ICAS test is developed annually for each subject in each year level by our team of subject matter experts. All ICAS tests are reviewed by experienced teachers to ensure that they accurately assess students' skills and are relevant to what they are learning at school. Some schools use ICAS as a psychometric test to better understand what students can and can't do at a point in time and track learning as students' progress from year to year. Other schools use ICAS results as a component of a student's overall academic achievement for the year and, still others use ICAS as a placement test. Each test is sat at the student's school and is invigilated by teachers under normal examination conditions.


For ICAS preparation, click here.

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