Singleton Heights Public School

Respect, Responsibility & Excellence

Telephone02 6573 1363

Premier's Reading Challenge



The Premier's Reading Challenge runs each year, starting at the of February.



Most K-2 classes will be participating in the challenge as a whole class.This will involve classroom teachers reading 30 Premier's Reading Challenge books to their class. Please see your child's teacher to confirm this. Alternatively, the challenge can be completed at home with parents/caregivers.



Students in Years 3 to 6 must independently read 20 Premier's Reading Challenge books at or above their grade level. Students are given instructions, advice and guidance in library lessons.


About the challenge

As a reward for completing the challenge, successful students will receive a certificate and have their name listed on the honour roll (please note only the student's name will be listed with no other identifying information, as the list of schools will be separate). If parents/caregivers do not wish for their child to participate in the Premier's Reading Challenge they should contact their child's classroom teacher and Mrs Borg. Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Borg for more information.


The cut-off date is the end of  August each year.


Visit the Premier's Reading Challenge site by clicking the following link: Premier's Reading Challenge


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